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Dotenvx is Feature Complete

dotenvx 1.6.0 is released 🎉 – adding support for decrypt.

Feature Complete

This release marks a feature complete status for dotenvx. There are five core features.

  • run
  • get
  • set
  • encrypt
  • decrypt

Use run to inject your environment variables, get/set to set and get individual ones, and encrypt/decrypt to encrypt them.

Custom Workflows with –stdout

Additionally, you can pipe encrypt and decrypt to any file using the --stdout flag. This makes it easy to create your own custom workflows for your CI or elsewhere.

Here’s a basic example:

$ echo "HELLO=World" > .env
$ dotenvx encrypt --stdout > secrets.txt
$ dotenvx decrypt -f secrets.txt --stdout
#/            public-key encryption for .env files          /
#/       [how it works](https://dotenvx.com/encryption)     /

# .env

I think this will be particularly useful to custom docker workflows.

What’s Next

Next, we’re working on dotenvx pro – to manage your secrets across teams, environments, and infrastructure.

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|  coming soon! (for small business)                          |
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| ## learn more on github 🐙                                  |
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| >> https://github.com/dotenvx/dotenvx/issues/259            |
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| ## subscribe on github to be notified 📣                    |
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| >> https://github.com/dotenvx/dotenvx/issues/259            |
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| - thank you for using dotenvx! - @motdotla                  |

Thank you for using dotenvx!

P.S. You can follow progress on dotenvx pro here.