Use dotenvx with

Initial setup

First, complete the quickstart steps so you end up with a trigger/example.ts file like this.


import { logger, task, wait } from "";

export const helloWorldTask = task({
  id: "hello-world",
  // Set an optional maxDuration to prevent tasks from running indefinitely
  maxDuration: 300, // Stop executing after 300 secs (5 mins) of compute
  run: async (payload: any, { ctx }) => {
    logger.log("Hello, world!", { payload, ctx });

    await wait.for({ seconds: 5 });

    return {
      message: "Hello, world!",

Install dotenvx

Install dotenvx.

$ npm install @dotenvx/dotenvx --save

And configure dotenvx in trigger/example.ts.


import { logger, task, wait } from "";
import dotenv from "@dotenvx/dotenvx";

// Load environment variables
dotenv.config({path: ".env.production"});

export const helloWorldTask = task({
  id: "hello-world",
  // Set an optional maxDuration to prevent tasks from running indefinitely
  maxDuration: 300, // Stop executing after 300 secs (5 mins) of compute
  run: async (payload: any, { ctx }) => {
    // Use process.env
    logger.log(`Hello, ${process.env.HELLO}!`, { payload, ctx });

    await wait.for({ seconds: 5 });

    return {
      message: `Hello, ${process.env.HELLO}!`, // Use process.env

Add production environment

Create .env.production in the root of your project.

# .env.production

Encrypt production

dotenvx encrypt -f .env.production

Your .env.production file is now encrypted, and you have a .env.keys file.


#/            public-key encryption for .env files          /
#/       [how it works](     /

# .env.production


#/ private decryption keys. DO NOT commit to source control /
#/     [how it works](       /

# .env.production

Run your task

Run your task in Trigger's UI.

Your env is successfully injected using the encrypted contents of .env.production.

Visit the dashboard and it says Hello production.

Great job!