Set single environment variable

Set a single environment variable value.

Quick Usage

dotenvx set HELLO World

Sets a single environment variable for your .env file.


Given you have a .env file like this:

# .env

Simply run dotenvx set HELLO Universe.

$ dotenvx set HELLO Universe
set HELLO (.env)

Check your .env file and it will now be set as HELLO="Universe"


Set a different file.

Or set .env.production.

# .env.production
$ dotenvx set HELLO Universe -f .env.production
set HELLO (.env.production)

The result will be:

# .env.production

Set multiple files at the same time.

$ dotenvx set HELLO Universe -f .env -f .env.production
set HELLO (.env, .env.production)

To see a list of all options available:

$ dotenvx get --help

That's it!