New teammate

Add a teammate on dotenvx pro.

Sending the invitation

Navigate to your organization on Pro and click Team (left sidebar).

Click Invite Member.

Type their email address.

Give them a role and click Send invitation.

Great! They are listed under invitations.

Next, tell your teammate to check their email.

Accepting the invitation

Your teammate will receive an email invitation to join your organization.

apple mail

Clicking 'Join @organization', takes them to a login screen.

One final prompt let's them accept the invitation.

Just like that, they are a member! But notice sync required.

Pro is zero-knowledge so there are a few more steps to do around public key exchange. Tell your new team member to run dotenvx pro sync.

Running sync

Your newly added teammate, sees sync required in the UI.

Clicking see more details brings them to their account page with instructions to run dotenvx pro sync.

1. Teammate

Your teammate runs dotenvx pro sync to generate their public key (used in later steps).

$ curl -sfS | sh
$ dotenvx pro sync
✔ [motdotenv] logged in
✔ [motdotenv] encrypted
✖ missing private key for organization [motdotla]. Ask your teammate to run [dotenvx pro sync] and then try again.

Under the hood, the cli generated a public/private keypair on the user's machine. The public key is additionally sent to the Pro service so that team members can use each other's public keys to encrypt and pass data securely without any third party (Pro) knowledge.

2. You

You run dotenvx pro sync.

At this point, under the hood, the cli is fetches your teammate's public key, encrypts the org private key with it, and pushes the encrypted payload to the Pro service.

3. Teammate

Lastly, the team member can run dotenvx pro sync a final time to complete the syncing of their copy of organization private key.

$ dotenvx pro sync
✔ [motdotenv] logged in
✔ [motdotenv] encrypted
⚠ [motdotenv] emergency kit recommended. Generate it with [dotenvx pro settings emergencykit --unmask].
✔ [@motdotla] encrypted
✔ [@motdotla] team (2)
✔ [@motdotla] logged in

Essentially, you both went through a key exchange process by running dotenvx pro sync after each other. Cool!

Next let's sync a project.


The organization private key is an implementation detail that dotenvx pro obfuscates away for you, but you can optionally view it with dotenvx pro settings orgprivatekey --unmask.

$ dotenvx pro settings orgprivatekey --unmask